Integrating Schools Areas into Environmental Education Dynamic

As part of helping to strengthen policies in the promotion of sustainable cities and communities (conferred On SDG #11,13 and 17), our organization has launched an Environmental Education Program to promote access to information and encourage the active participation of all citizens in the initiation of individual and groups’ actions to safeguard our planet. The implementation of this program tends to be effective through training sessions, awareness campaigns and mobilization of groups and individuals (at all levels) as well as achieving actions directly geared towards Forest reform Indeed, the first actions were carried out with a mobilization campaign in public locations (confers: Awareness campaign program on the promotion of safe and resilient environment and fight against climate change in urban and rural areas ) and the second one have been now carrying out in school areas. Integrating educational institutions into the dynamics of environmental education, our goal is to promote an intellectual cream committed to finding ways to address environmental and climate challenges. In partnership with students, clubs entitled ”Ambassadors of Change “have been created, whose role is to popularize and contribute to the maintenance of environmental policies in the school environment as well as in their respective communities. Each Club consists of 30 people, including 15 boys and 15 girls who work together to develop seedbeds, germinate and distribute seedlings and encourage the reforestation in their institutions as well as in their respective communities. During this month of December 2019, this program reached out five educational institutions: the KYESHERO Institute, St François Institute, CS. AMMDI, MIKENO ISLAMIC-NDOSHO Institute and the TOTORO Institute. Beyond this agenda with students, WNVD must train these clubs’ members in different environmental themes and intends to develop these same approaches at the university levels to train trainers and thus, reassure everyone access to the required information related to the environmental development. Each member of the Club has signed a startements’ document (developed by WNVD) to show their determination and engagement supporting this new citizen’s struggle for safe and substainable environment. For more information about the statements’ document, find out:
Assistant Raphael MASUDI, WNVD Community Development Officer on: or Assistant Emmanuel BYUMANINE, WNVD Education & Environment Program Officer on:
Would you need to support our actions for environment and sustainable development? Please, send your support’ letter to the following addresses for more guidance about the procedure: and or Visit Our Visit our youtube channel
(Supporting the promotion of SDG #11,13 and 17)

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