Helping youth to extricate out poverty through entrepreneurship

The concept of ” socio-economic ” is a very major challenge in low-wage areas such as in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. In this part of the country, the situation of “youth and employment” is a major problem in a context of rapid population growth and the persistence of the very high unemployment rate, which require active solidarity on the part of the actors to take up the challenge. To this end, we have planned a 2019 agenda in which appeared at its first goal; “Accelerating opportunities that have a ripple effect on socioeconomic recovery and entrepreneurship with young people”. We have remained thinking about concrete actions that can enable us to materialize this objective, and, on this day, with our few means; we try to plan training sessions and support young people in activities that generate financial income. Our first achievement is the availability of ” NotreClean Product’’, a product manufactured by our Youth and Socio-Economic Recovery Department, specialized in cleaning services for homes, toilets and bathrooms. NotreClean Product is a cleaning product made with:

  • Para dichlorobenzene
  • Surfactant
  • Triclosan
  • Perfume
  • Soda
  • Enzyme
  • Water and
  • Green dye
NotreClean product contains:
Disinfectant and antibacterial of High quality, able to fight against the spread of bacteria and insects harmful to health while promoting pleasant air freshness. Beyond the fact that this product will contribute to the fight against poverty and youth unemployment, it is also another opportunity for the local population to strengthen the improvement of hygiene conditions and primary health. We hope that day after day, we will be progressively doing more, expanding and diversifying our practices to accomplish our mission beyond poverty and underdevelopment by promoting socioeconomic growth and sustainable development.

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